Catheter Locking Solution

Sku # HGS-10
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Heparin glycerol and heparin dextrose catheter locking solutions f... or laboratory animal studies. These pharmaceutical grade solutions are proven performers in catheterized animal studies, and are available in the concentration recommended by surgical model vendors - 500 IU USP Heparin per 1mL in 50% solution of Dextrose or Glycerol. Extend the patency of vascular catheters in mice, rats, pigs, dogs and primates. Solutions are not available for online purchase. Customizations available.  Minimum purchase required for some volumes and formulations. Contact us or use the order form.  Read more
  • Used in both large and small species
  • High osmolarity of dextrose prevents bacterial colonization
  • High viscosity reduces washout from the catheter tip
  • Effective physical barrier against clot formation
  • 500 IU USP Heparin/mL in 50% solution. All solutions are pharmaceutical grade. Custom formulations available- request details.
  • Also available in pre-filled syringes to ensure clean catheter access
Part # Description Minimum
HGS-10 10 mL USP Heparin/Glycerol Catheter Locking Solution- 500 IU/mL in 50% Glycerol No minimum. See order minimums for additional details.
HDS-10 10 mL USP Heparin/Dextrose Catheter Locking Solution- 500 IU/mL in 50% Dextrose 5 vials 
HGS-50 50 mL USP Heparin/Glycerol Catheter Locking Solution- 500 IU/mL in 50% Glycerol No minimum. See order minimums for additional details.
HDS-50 50 mL USP Heparin/Dextrose Catheter Locking Solution- 500 IU/mL in 50% Dextrose No minimum. See order minimums for additional details.
HGS500-0.5 1cc Syringe with 0.5ml fill of USP Heparin Glycerol Solution, 500U/ml  (100/box) 3 box minimum

There are no manuals available for this product, but view the SAI Catheter Flushing and Locking Video for guidelines on usage.

  • Used in both large and small species
  • High osmolarity of dextrose prevents bacterial colonization
  • High viscosity reduces washout from the catheter tip
  • Effective physical barrier against clot formation
  • 500 IU USP Heparin/mL in 50% solution. All solutions are pharmaceutical grade. Custom formulations available- request details.
  • Also available in pre-filled syringes to ensure clean catheter access

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