• CannuLock™ Tethers
  • CannuLock™ Tethers
  • CannuLock™ Rodent Tether 2 Cannula
  • CannuLock™ Rodent Button and Tether Implant
  • CannuLock™ Tethers
  • CannuLock™ Tethers
  • CannuLock™ Tethers
  • CannuLock™ Tethers
CannuLock™ Tethers CannuLock™ Tethers CannuLock™ Rodent Tether 2 Cannula CannuLock™ Rodent Button and Tether Implant CannuLock™ Tethers CannuLock™ Tethers CannuLock™ Tethers CannuLock™ Tethers

CannuLock™ Tethers



SAI's Catheter Access Buttons™ offer all new CannuLock™ technology, providing a remarkably secure connection for up to three catheters.  Our 1, 2, and 3 channel tethers make connections even easier with smart alignment features.  The alignment arrows and unique “keyed” geometry of SAI's buttons allow you to access only the port or combination of ports that you need, leaving the other ports undisturbed until you choose to access them.

Catheter Access Button™ Tethers with 22G and/or 25G lines
  • 12" length. Inquire for availability of different lengths.
  • 22G and 25G tether lines are available.
  • Alignment arrow and magnets make it easy to line up tether with button.
  • "Keyed" fit for easy connections.
  • Single, dual and triple cannula tether options match with each Catheter Access Button™ to access only the required catheter.
  • Quick Connect™ tethers are compatible with Quick Connect™ luered swivels.

    Catheter Access Button Tether Options
    Part # Description Tether Lines Port Access Recommended Button
    CAB25-T12-P1 12" Single Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P1) 25G P1

    CAB22-R1, CAB22-R3

    CAB25-T12-P2 12" Single Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P2) 25G P2

    CAB22-R2, CAB22-R3

    CAB25-T12-P3 12" Single Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P3) 25G P3

    CAB22-R2, CAB22-R3

    CAB22-T12-P1 12" Single Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P1) 22G P1

    CAB22-R1, CAB22-R3

    CAB22-T12-P2 12" Single Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P2) 22G P2

    CAB22-R2, CAB22-R3

    CAB22-T12-P3 12" Single Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P3) 22G P3

    CAB22-R2, CAB22-R3

    CAB25-T12-P12 12" Dual Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P1, P2) 25G P1, P2 CAB22-R3
    CAB25-T12-P13 12" Dual Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P1, P3) 25G P1, P3 CAB22-R3

    12" Dual Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P2, P3)


    P2, P3 CAB22-R2, CAB22-R3
    CAB22-25-T12-P13 12" Dual Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (22G P1, 25G P3) 22G & 25G P1, P3 CAB22-R3
    CAB22-T12-P12 12" Dual Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P1, P2) 22G P1, P2 CAB22-R3
    CAB22-T12-P23 12" Dual Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P2, P3) 22G P2, P3 CAB22-R2, CAB22-R3
    CAB25-T12-P123 12" Triple Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P1, P2, P3) 25G P1, P2, P3 CAB22-R3
    Quick Connect™
    CAB22-QCT12-P1  12" Single Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P1) with Quick Connect™ luer fitting on swivel end 22G P1 CAB22-R1, CAB22-R3
    CAB22-QCT12-P2 12" Single Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P2) with Quick Connect™ luer fitting on swivel end 22G P2 CAB22-R2, CAB22-R3
    CAB22-QCT14-P1 14" Single Channel Tether for Catheter Access Button™ (P1) with Quick Connect™ luer fitting on swivel end (request a quote - not available online) 22G P1 CAB22-R1, CAB22-R3


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