Harnesses help protect catheters and speed up the flushing and locking process. They can also help reduce the overall cost of studies with some reusable & replaceable parts.
Harnesses help protect catheters and speed up the flushing and locking process. They can also help reduce the overall cost of studies with some reusable & replaceable parts.
For an infusion only study, the OMNI harness is the the easiest option- and with replaceable components, it's both economical & environmentally friendly. These harnesses have minimal dead volume compared to luer systems, and are quick and easy to clean.
This set up makes it possible to simultaneously infuse solutions and collect blood for PK and TK parameters. The integrated luer injection valves (LIV) reduce blood loss and speed up the connection/disconnection process. Harnesses can be good for long term studies since the belly bands can be adjusted to fit throughout the course of the stud